Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bill in Congress to Ban School Corporal Punishment

U.S. Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY 4th District) has introduced H.R. 5628, a bill in Congress to ban school corporal punishment.

School children need your support now!

Here's how you can help:
Call, email or write your U.S. Representative and ask for support of H.R. 5628 and ask your Representative to tell Representative McCarthy that he/she will co-sponsor the bill.

Contact information for your Representative can be found at: On the right side of the page, put your zip code in the section where it says Find Your Lawmakers.

What to say:
"Please support H.R. 5628 , a bill to ban school corporal punishment.
Here are some reasons why:
(1) Twenty states still allow corporal punishment in schools and over 223,000 school children are hit each year,
(2) Corporal punishment can lead to student injuries and law suits against school boards,
(3) Over fifty national organizations including the National Education Association, the American Medical Association and the American Bar Association oppose school corporal punishment.
Will you support the bill?
Will you co-sponsor the bill?
Thank you for your support."
More information about effects of school corporal punishment and alternatives to its use can be found at:
The April 15th, 2010 testimony and video on banning school corporal punishment in the U.S. House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Healthy Families and Communities is available at:
Thank you for helping to make our schools safer for children.
Please forward this to others who might help protect school children!
Nadine Block and Deb Sendek
Center for Effective Discipline email:
Telephone: 614-221-8829

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